Friday, December 4, 2009

I Just Want to be Pretty

~Don't we all~
I worry dear compy maybe leaking electric and slowly zapping me to death. I am not sure. It could be the position as I am getting tired. I want to as quickly as possible get this all over with. As it's not very comfortable here and nor will it be getting any better. I will try not to worry so much. Try to want less and desire less. As for the kohls stuff I have been worried about, I will take care of it later.

  • I will bring sweat shirt just in case we wander by
  • Pills
  • Towel
  • Face towel
  • Work cloths (though chances are I plan to get back earlier or just not so late)
  • Bring aid paper
  • Guess call Jay back
  • Bring a pillow
  • Bring mango juice
  • Ink
  • Target junks
  • Box o Tea
  • Tooth Brush (so dun like curr brush, much too big for my mouth)

That's all I can think of for now, guess it can't hurt to have snacks too. Can't let myself go hungie and grumpie. Can always expand the list. But I think it pretty much covers it.

Today's title is kind of funny. Was watching a part of Oprah and talking about Good Hair and how at the root of it all (no pun intended) we just want to be pretty and desire. What we put ourselves through.

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