Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pacients Once Again, This too will Pass

~Waking Dreams~
So I had 2 dreams this morning. One was about Liz, special ed Liz. I have wondered how she was doing and Randy. I remember the sign language and the beanies. I am not sure if it was part of the dream or just something I was thinking about. So I see her in like a blue sweater, just like how I remember her skipping away in a path away from me. I later find out she's going to grad school in WI. I am not sure if I running after her or if I was trying to catch up to her. But it more or less ended there.

The second one was shorter and to the point more. I was like dating Rain or something. But after his success, he tries to give me stuff, but I seemed not to want it. Like there was something going on that I didn't want his stuff. He shows me a bow gift set where it had 2 pair of wallets, one men and the other woman, 2 of each for morning and evening use. I am not sure why I didn't like it. I recall one on the bottom left for woman evening to be sparklie. But I remember after seeing it I try to walk away from it and at the same time he sometime b4 placed a necklace on me that was on a thin gold chain and had a small green arrow point like green stone at the end and he was lifting the necklace to show me like I had not noticed it because it was so small or to show others. Or to see if i noticed that it was even on since it was so light.I just remember not liking it. I am not sure if I didn't like him or the items more. I think it was more like him because according to that I like, I should have liked them.

But both are interesting. Think the first one is about the prospect of going back to school and the other how I feel about certain people. Funny how they appear in our dreams. It lets us know what's going on in our minds. But after hearing the phone call, it doesn't seem as bad. But can't say I am happy about it either. But I shall live with it and like everything in life, it will pass. Somethings sooner than others, but they all eventually do.

I want to put myself first. Take care of myself first. I know isn't easy, but it's something you need to do for your own well being.

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