Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Daily Planetary Overview
The Moon quincunx Neptune and Jupiter today may affect the implementation of your plans. Nothing will go as you had anticipated. Your faith may be in question due to a situation you are concerned about.

Your Horoscope - Today, Dec. 9, 2009
You are at a point of emotional climax right now, Melly. Things are coming to a critical point in which situations seem to first escalate and then suddenly collapse. Little issues in your relationships that you have failed to deal with openly are coming back to haunt you. It could be that someone is trying to cross you at this time, or maybe it just feels this way. Don't get overly paranoid. The whole world is not out to get you.

I knew it could get bad, but I didn't expect this to be the issue. It's hard to say why. How communications are not getting through. Guess are thinking of different things. Could be the stress of things. Does one not realize that seeing each other depends on other people? You can't risk jeopardizing that. At whatever cost, I want what's best for both ends.

Funny how one person can affect another. But I must always remain objective. I am only still human and have not been oh what's it called, been enlightened. But always not act out of emotion. Loving kindness. You hate it when the term whatever comes up. So I try not to say it to others as a term used of not caring. so if you don't care, I can not force you to. Only to want the best for all.

I so need to stay away from material things. Keep me from being possessive. Keep me from wanting. I do not want to desire anything anymore. At least for now. I hope for things to get better soon.

Oh dear, looking at tomorrow could mean traffic and other issues. Looks like it's going to be tough tomorrow as well.

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