Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Do what you say

What was sappose to be a catch up post turned into one for today and kind of ran into this one. I couldn't find the nail clipper after they left. Can only assume that it fell when stuff was knocked around. Me and my sticky fingers moving all over the place. Things really don't go that right do they? I skipped a day of scope.

  • Bring a snake
  • Bring a pen/pencil
Not sure what to make tomorrow, but I will think of something. `And look at the time now, almost 3. And I was hoping to get to bed early. You tell me how do I get up tomorrow? I think I type faster in the bathroom. Gotta do what you need to do. Hope tomrrow won't be too bad. Not a good time to do anything dramatic. Funny how he st. cloud morning show reminds me of eating breakfast at BK. Take care self.

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