Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Maybe the best way to discribe how I am feeling. More often than late I miss out on talking about the pos of things.

8/29 Last Saturday went to the fair met up with and cousin. It wasn't as bad as I expected. As I didn't expect much keeping in mind just went to keep company. If I failed to mention the new laptop, it's nice, except the keyboard does suck. But I am trying to clean it up. I don't understand why the OS takes up so much room. And why suddenly sim pop on at 1am? Who knows. I shall ask sim about that later. Worse thing happened that evening. I guess I felt something was worng, but I wasn't being careful. Not sure if there anything I could have done differently. But on Tue, things seem back to normal. Lets keep it that way.

~Fair Fun~
Nothing too exciting, had a bite of cheese although didn't get potatoes, had some pickels and too much ice cream. Saw some cute bunnies that were for sale and had some corn. Afterwards went out to din din with uncle and aunt and then to church. Interesting talk, I liked the preachers style. But it's hard to say what I beleived. Talked to aunty and learned a few fun facts. Maybe useful or prove to be nothing at all. Set up the converter box. It doesn't seem to work very well. I was going to bring it to the restraunt to see if it would work better there. But it barely passes here. I think I can type better on an incline. My thumbs for now are not so much in the way. The thing that urks me about the box is the numbers are so small and no simple channel guide. I am thinking I don't want to use this one or get this one again. I am not pleased.

-Earlier this Week -

~The Setup~
I think that maybe something I forget to mention. It's more like last week. This part I can elaborate more later. Or I should just do it now and get it over with. I finally later that week find out the whole story. But at this point, the fair trip may or may not happen.

So I catch a late night rerun of oprah and it's a story of a lady in constant pain where a grown woman with some genetic disorder wake up to find herself hunched to her right all the time. I thought this epi was going to be all about Fox's parkensons, but it seems like to be about other dabilitating diseases.

I know it's late and all but I can't help but wonder. I know I worry too much and part insecurity. I keep checking when I should be doing other. I need to get on top of things. I think I need to either cut off my thumbs or tape them together or something. I should go back to making lists of things I need to do. Realize my feelings and where it comes from. But there are some things that just can't be bothered. Other things that can't be helped. Gosh, why so loud. I can't hear my soft tv. Maybe this will put somethings in perspective for me hopefully. But this all could be the result of my own aggitation. I worry about the monthly gift. That I may not get it. I really do create my own hell. Exploer does suck. It's slow and gmail doesn't like to work on it.

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