Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time and Distance

Daily Planetary Overview
Try to be flexible today because the Moon sextile Uranus will help you adapt to changing circumstances. Plans may need tweaking at the last minute. Be open to new perspectives as there is no set way things should be done.

I seem to be able to find something drewrie to write about. But I shall try to scribble something each day to see if maybe everything is kind of a downer or is it I find it one way or another. One think taro is right about is that I am fairly positive today. more than usual. But I am still wearie about getting some things I should be getting done done. I still fall into old habits of fear.

Last night I didn't get much done. Ever so slightly disappointed. As guys will be guys. Even the ever so gay ones. Time and distance. As much as we don't seem to like it. It maybe good for you. How we don't like things that are good for you. How we like things that are bad for you. Can't we want things that are good for you? In part I want to blame myself. If I were more independent, could things be better? I must try.

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