Thursday, September 10, 2009


I am starting to feel sick to my stomach. I try to dig drawers to find junk to toss but to my adue, there's not much I can toss. I know I am growing impatient. It's not a good thing. There are a lot of things I do not know, I should ask. I do not know how long I can wait. This is getting rediculious. I know I grow impacient. Maybe I need to be more understanding. Loving kindness and understanding. Most of it is not purposful if any. If you don't know what to do, maybe it's best to do nothing. already so late and no plans. Not even an address. Like no intention of actually going through with it. It's okay, but let me know won't you? Not everyone has as much free time as you, you know that right? Or you keep forgetting.

And that's why we have so much junk. No one is willing to let it go. Eat it and get fat, or toss, waste is sure better than the lather. We worry about waste, and all the craps we keep burdens us all. Is the ability to let go the key to bliss? As we are all tired down to worldly things. Feelings, emotions, possesions, desires, and loathing. I really grow tired of this. Strange how another's thoughts or feelings affect anothers so easily. Especially when we are such selfish creatures, how we are what others think. But is it just another form of selfishness.

Once again I think to much. Ask direct questions and get direct answer and move on.

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