Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Daily Planetary
Mercury conjunct Saturn today will bring a serious outlook and dedication to your work. Both planets are found in the sign of Virgo, so you'll have a strong desire to produce something of quality and seek perfection. Hopefully this may mean that this means I will be able to get some things. Though some things maybe a smudge later than others, it's not the only places to look. Need to organize favorites in such a way where so I can organize creatively.

Your Horoscope - Today, September 22, 2009
Deliveries that you may be expecting could be delayed or held up, I am assuming it may mean the windows 7 upgrade. Also the rebate thing should take awhile. Melly. Today you might learn something shocking about a neighbor or relative - and gossip might spread very rapidly through your community. This maybe what mom said about the lack of intention of staying. I also lack control of the thumb. This could have you reeling - even though it might be exaggerated. You might pay visits to a few people nearby, or spend a lot of time on the phone trying to learn the truth. Don't take anything you hear today at face value. Truth truth? Is there really such a thing? It's hard to was which is which. I miss ajahn. I really do. Hopefully be back soon.
And we are back. I don't think the thumb was touching anything. I think I am coming down with something. I think I should sit tight this week and not go anywhere. Do the whole soup thing and pop some pills. It has been cold of late since the first day of fall. I can feel winter setting in and the chill of it. I
don't know if it's the computer or it's just the slow internet on there. Gets frustraiting. Think should just quick plow through it all. I think first thing is first. To go through all the sites that I know or more like the usual sites. And then think of local places such as old navy, old coutry, and excel. And move on from there. Should be more than enough work.

For some reason, I feel as if I should sit down and have like a few hours to get it all done. When in reality, one can never really get it all done. It's a never done. It's an on going thing. I feel as if I can't get it done, why bother to do it. How can one work on something that can never be done? Then is it actually getting done? Or if all else fails. You may need to be more creative and search for talents.

~Getting in touch with Dreams~

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