Monday, September 28, 2009


~So Blond~
Is there really more going on? Even if there is, can one do a thing about it? Not really. It's all a game isn't it? Although we may want a certain outcome or to advoid one, we can not escape reality of it. It shall be as it is. Haven't done the asprin mask in a while. Been tired and a mix of laziesness. I am not sure what want. I look at all the forms and I get tired. I get tired of the computer. I should tie up whatever lose ends. But sometimes things seem off. Like what are the chances both are on? As usual, no much you can do.

Daily Planetary Overview
The Moon trine the Sun today will highlight the need to get good advice. Recent worries have brought on stress. It may help to talk to someone and ease your burden. You may be inspired by the experiences of someone.

Your Horoscope - Today, September 28, 2009
Reality isn't always as exciting you would like it to be, Melly. But isn't this because you interpret reality in a rather particular way? You hardly ever look at things in detail because on a fundamental level details don't interest you. Yet if you take a good look around, you will discover that the details of a truly epic event are currently unfolding right before your very eyes. Not to mention what is happening inside your inner world! Try to put some new lenses on those glasses of yours!

Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Am getting tired talking to it. So sick of it. Rather just say screw it.

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