Sunday, September 13, 2009


I just woke up from an afternoon drea.m. I want to try to get whatever down before I forget it and for the most part I have forgotten. But it's something like I am a photographer. There was like a large military plane that landed and I was told to take picts of it and there were like other people like a boy with strange shorts with writing on the butt I was trying to take picts of. I remember not being able to see the writing, but I was like trying to accidentally to take picts of it, clearer picts of it. I happen to have like a camera that had super zoom and it was really clear, but people were scrambling around. I recall 2 guys with me. One of them was like Mike and the other a dark haired Travis like character. I remember Travis trying to help me or something. Else, I do not remember much..

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