Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I really do hate forms, they are so time consuming. One click at a time and it's uber slow as well. I am not sure if it's the web site that's slow or my computer. But then again, this one form does cover 4 positions. But this whole process is just plain too time consuming. Especially if it's something I can list faster. How much is enough? This process is so slow. I am sure pacients is not one of them qualities at the moment that's shinning. Aww crap, I pushed it too far. Oh well, looks like website issues. Looks like I am done for now.

There are some pending issues that have crossed my mind today that I had almost forgotten. That one website and then how one we shall remaine nameless said how there's no future in it anyways, really hit me. I was sad to hear that, yet at the same time wanted to prove them wrong. Yet, it's something that remains unresolved.

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