Friday, September 25, 2009


~Last minute changes~
It's not that it isn't reasonable. I wonder how detailed I should be sometimes. Will I remember when I look back at this if I ever do. I want to keep that as an option at least. I want to try to keep doors and windows opened. But when options are taken away. How we take then for granted when they are just willy nilly around. Really not in the mood to deal with somethings now. I still find certain things disturbing. Maybe it is better I distance myself from certain things. I want to let it go, but it may not be wise to let certain issues slide.

~The Good, the Bad, the Ooglie~
It's hard to say when things are bad or good, or if it's a good or bad thing that has happened. Guess it all depends on how you look at things. Maybe this gives me an oppertunity to try other things or even to take a break from the regular. Maybe my mind is really on it too much and I really do need to diversify.

~Gun Hoe~
Sometimes I feel that. I get all excited about over something. But then something crashes the party and there it goes. I guess I get tired of doing the same old thing. But I want to try to be mindful of what I do and say and how it affects others in a way I don't want to. Most of the time I say and do things out of frustration. Or at least I want to. But at the expense of others. It's not just me. If I need to vent, then I can do it on my own time and own way. No point in bringing everyone else around me down as well. I am proud of the way you handled things. For a quick second I could see myself saying fine, and goodnight, talk to you another time and ending it right there. But the affects of doing so was not what I wanted even though it may have been something i wanted to do in that single moment.

~the Feeling~
You will get use to it. Or at least try to get use to it now. (oh hand cramp from writing like this, maybe it's a sign to stop) I think I can getting better at writing on this contraption. But I still have wondering thumb syndrome. It's a very real reality. Enjoy the peace and calm. Goodnight self. For there is only you. There was a mention of an email, and so i shall keep that in mind for tomorrow.

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