Thursday, May 28, 2009


I feel like getting wasted at this point. It's even worse today that not only is it confirmed, but it possibly even worse than I thought. As so it goes..

Love: The Lovers
Touchstone: The Moon
Career: The Star

-->It's not exactly a trouble-free day today in romantic matters, dear melly… The Moon and the Lovers are working in tandem, creating an atmosphere of discouragement and uncertainty... You are inclined to distrust the good intentions of the people close to you and to question their love. It goes without saying that such feelings are diametrically opposed to creating an atmosphere of happiness and fulfillment... Be on your guard against an onset of the blues!

So much distrust. I so want to trust, but the reasons not to trust and lingering. I know is good, I see it, I don't dout it. But the reasons behind it I do not know. Uncertainty. I don't know if I trust in God or the stars now. All things seem to be building up to today. I don't know how to react. So much to do and so little room for error. What to do... How to handle this? I pary to God, anyone there to help me and give me strength to get through this.

But I recall a promise I once made. Does this have anything to do with this? If it does, I didn't ecpect it to happen this way. Is there a plan for me? I am confused and lost. I hope to be able to find the love and acceptance to give me strength to be a better person, more forgiving, more loving.

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