Thursday, May 21, 2009

Does Life Suck?

It has been awhile as usual. I did just notice a funny querk about is how the head moves in a nudge is just so incredable cute in a flirty kind of way. Not sure what it is about it. But I do enjoy it. maybe a little bit too much ^^ So ince moving in on the 18th, been over everyday. Makes me wonder what will happen after the summer. Who knews what will happen afterwards if anything. Exam has been more or less of a disapointment. But it's really like a self full filling profecy. I think or maybe I just know what will happen or what I think I creat and make happen. The idea is scary. But if it is true at all, I need to make better things happen.

  • I feel a wee bite better after cleaning the sink since it was a disgusting mess. But I figure it's only a matter of time before I am found out so to get on their good side, I though to try to clean a wee bit for my own sake more or less that needs to be done.
  • I had lunch all planned out today, but someone got draged into eating lunch with strangers that I should not have been. Going to get me into trouble enevtually at this rate.
  • For the workstudy, I figure it's better to do it @ LSF at least it's at my own accord and in a way it benifits me in a way. But it's hard to say. I have potential to meet more people at COB, but it could all be just for nothing as well.

Stayed up with me and helped me study the other night. I find it more appealing, and yet I am hessitant. Don't wait for anyone, don't let anyone make you do something you don't want to.

But it doesn't mean I can't eat now. I do feel like canned today and so shall it be. I will read my dear accouting to see if I can find the answers faster. For the most part I found that for the most part the conceptual was ask, but I got the porblems worng. Sansara. So for the most part try to continue what you do and work on the dear problems. Getting a wee bit hungie too. It's only as hard as you make it. Thinking about it takes up more energy than you think. Just do it. ..

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