Friday, May 22, 2009


May 22, 2009
The Star
The Hermit

-->Your romantic hopes might well be shattered today, and you may be forced to seriously consider a separation. The conjunction of the card of Death and the Star often indicates an emotional crisis, and it goes without saying that this could be making you feel very downbeat today. It’s difficult to give advice in these situations, but it’s no good swimming against the current or trying to convince someone to stay if they have already packed their case, dear melly. Deep down, of course, you know that with time you’ll get over it. In terms of your career, all signs suggest that you need to examine certain elements of your past trajectory… Death and the Hermit are asking you to consider what aspects of your job or of the way you do your job are no longer effective, and to find the necessary steps for bringing the situation to an end. Whether your working methods are tired, you’re using out of date materials, or you’re persisting with ineffectual partnerships, it’s up to you to work out what needs to change...

Disturbing eh? I don't know about a seperation now, but soon anyways it will happen and it is something I should really consider. Distance is not something I will consider. Seperation will happen. I am not really sure why I have to be disturbed about the idea of letting pretty girl do some storage. I mean can't say no? Not like you got a crap load of room. But them again did let store in own space as well. Just because I don't need space, doesn't mean others can't use it. I try to look at this objectivly. I was going to eat for a minute, but I changed my mind when I had a change of feelings. It's just not a good time right now.

I should ...
  • Finish up printing
  • Pack up some things to bring home
  • Pluck hairs even
  • Eat things you want to

Most importantly of all is to be happy and feel good about yourself, the way you want to. Don't let anyone affect you. Don't let anyone make you feel anyway you don't want to. Don't wait, don't wait for anyone.

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