Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Somwhow I knew this one would come in handy. This is how I feel..

And this is what I want to do..

Love: The Pope
Touchstone: Death
Career: The Lovers

-->This is a day of truth, dear melly… Doubts and long-hidden conflicts are coming to the surface, and you want to dispel them, and see the clearly where you stand. If you are in a committed relationship it is unlikely you’ll be able to escape a critical analysis. So you might as well address the big questions and get them out of the way.

  • And the truth comes out. My worse fear. Something I can not advoid at this point. But why lets him make my life miserable and cause me difficult when it's my bed? I should drag him out and give him a beating or something ^^ Oh what to do.. It's not really what to do, but how to do it.

  • What I worry about the most is my physical well being more than anything. But I do need some time to think about this. To calmly reflect.. To be rational... and not let my emotions controll me and do something I will regret. Go back to sleep please, I am not ready to deal with you yet..

  • What I found today confirmed and requires reassesment. But do not forget the positive points. Do not dare forget it weather it's true or not. Do not only focus on onlt what is painful. Do not take the easy path or the easy way out. Consider the other side, consider why someone would do such a thing and how painful it must be. Compasion, care, love, understanding, to open one self.

  • The truth is difficult, but it's the truth that will set you free.

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