Monday, May 25, 2009


What a ridiculous question at the most ridiculous time??!! Last night with the whole how fast and deep thing oh my goodness how embarressing. But for some reason I am still upset about the whole thing. Not sure what it is I am upset over. But I think it's over myself more than anything. And somehow I try to push it to someone else. But in a way they are partly the blame, but it's not like I didn't have controll over it. So since I can't trust myself, I shall trust in the stars..

Daily Planetary Overview
The Moon trine Jupiter will boost your mood and keep you feeling optimistic. You'll have concern for the welfare of others and want to do your part to help out. This aspect will bring a sense of what the future holds.
Your Horoscope - Today, May 25, 2009
Ambitious plans for your future could necessitate your giving a lot of attention to practical matters such as finance. This could be a drag for you, melly, but if you're serious about your ideas, it needs to be done. A friend, probably a man, could pitch in and help you make sense of everything. A caution: Don't try to get it all done today. Your mind could become overloaded, which might prove discouraging. Take it slow! There's no rush.

The High Priestess
The Devil

-->Today, the association of Death and the High Priestess is causing you to change your approach to your emotional situation, melly. You'll want to take a close look at your life, which may lead you to give up some material comfort in your search for the truth. It's time for positive reassessment.

I guess it was ever so slightly exciting getting a new camra, but I still feel bad when so much is spent. I need to spend less time with. The other day was going over the Bitch book and couldn't answer #35 was it and that upset me more or less. But like peopn said, to not let anything effect how you feel. It's not to not care about anything, but to realize this is affecting your feelings. A wierd thing unexpectly a facebook invite from someone in the past. I guess I would have ignored it before either way I couldn't miss this opertunity.

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