Monday, June 7, 2010


6/4 Fri

One must be careful with the words you choose. As I look through ads today, I find myself longing for it. Especially on some outing. I take great interest in it. Something I may not be getting now. I sit here eating my tasty apply cinnimon cherios consumed by my own thoughts. I read through an application for a girlfriend and as I read through it, I felt challenged and tempted to answer for the sake of answering. But at the same time I realize all of it has crossed my mind or am guilty of. It made me reflect on my own actions. I found myself less bitter and resentful. I also discovered today that Jer seems to be the decesion maker. If there is anyone I need to suck up to, it's him.

Else not much to say today, just been stupid and saying stupid things to piss me off. But I have been pissie of late. Sure didn't mean to piss on me, but just not in the mood to joke around. Really am not. Things just seem so unsatisfying. So is it my own problem then?

Who cares if you disagree, you are not me. Who died and made you king of anything. You dare to tell me who to be. Who died and made you king of anything.

I can always find something to pick at if I wanted to. It sucks when I do that and especially when I am not in the mood. It's best to leave me alone with my demons and to do my own thing.

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