Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Another thing to add to the list of things to find italian vinaigrette. I still feel the need for sandmaches, but I do need to mix it up a bit. I will try to look for a sub style. I did at least got most of the things done. I need to clear out some of the things in the fridger though and organize what I want to eat. So lets see what else I need to do..

-italian vinaigrette
-drink green tea
-ship remote

I think the pumps were already there, I just made them worse.


You're in the mood to lay it on the line your loved one today, and you don't care if it hurts, dear mel. The Sun and the Tower are bringing out the darkest part of your character - your tendency to harbor grudges.

I find this so true... It is part of my dark side. It brings out the worse in me. It needs to be left alone or else be prepared for the onslaught. As I spend this rainy day looking, the more I look, the more tempted I am. I am tempted to look for a chat buddy or some sort. Not meaning for it to lead anywhere, but at the same time something else. Who knows, will see if I get bored enough. Not sure if I will get to that point or not, but it's not like the thought hasn't crossed my mind. I am not as smart as I think. I am more obvious than I persume to be. But I wonder what is out there. Am I just attention seeking or looking for more or less? But overall today, didn't have too many bad thoughts. It was more like side deviations and wonderings. It's not a good thing either, but at least I don't feel crapy over it. A part of me get excited at the thought of it, thoughts can't disapoint you afterall.

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