Thursday, June 10, 2010


Oh hmm, not sure why I got in to it. But I did at least find one that has some decent concv skills. I can't say the same for the rest. But what are they looking for is they don't seem so into it? Is it they really don't have anything going on in their lives? Yesterday is was much harder to keep up with, but today was really slow. So much slower that I am getting to the point of being bored. Even with that on the side, I am still bored. Though the day did pass ever so slightly faster. It's almost half way through the day already. I want to have something to think about. Maybe yesterday I got a little too excited and now the rush has worn off. And then someone saids something stupid to bore me. I wonder how long it can last? No matter, just have fun with it. I haven't done anything worng yet. It maybe tough to try it again unless you got to block them first. Else, it could be horrid. Maybe I should just stick with fb.

This sure looks nummies

More things I can make. I don't want to bother checking just to be utterly disapointed. Yesterday I didn't even get time to blog. So I got some making up to do. I feel like some sweet bread. And I thought Americans like muffins. Oh well. And for a moment, I was thinking should I eat the sandmach bite or not? I figure not like I am being paid, so I should eat what is rightfully mine. Especially if they eating the muffins either. Okay, so they are the cookies type. So now I know. So lets stick with what works. And I forget to bring fruit today.

So I just went to go check on that what I thought sandmach, all to discover that it has already been eaten. Omg.. that greedy bastard. Remember, when you want it, be sure to take it, no need to be coy about things. Gosh darn it. Anyways, so yesterday night you know who showed up to talk. We made a bet to see if we can recall names. But how can I forget? I thought for awhile that maybe I could be an escort. But I just don't have the looks for it. But as an escort, you don't get to pick your clients. They could be a total lame ass and you would have to find them entertaining and be all fun and charming. I don't know if I can put up with that. I can't even take it from. Not like I ever call anyone by their name. Not even I call by name even. I am not really sure why. I just feel it's akward. Like it's not a name for me to call, it's their pet name. I would either need to be more formal.

Anyways, maybe I need a new buddie. Most of this stuff, I really don't care.

1. Is it possible that your partner didn't understand exactly what you wanted?

2. Could your partner be stressed about other things, or have a lot on his mind?

3. Is this issue more important to your partner than you realize?

4. Is it possible that your partner doesn't have all the facts that you have?

5. Are you reading between the lines things that your partner doesn't intend to be saying?

6. Are your partner's actions driven by a deeper need that's legitimate and important to him?

7. Is your partner afraid he's going to lose something crucial if he does things the way you want?

8. Would your partner be as angry as you are if the roles were reversed?

9. Is it possible that this situation is about legitimately different needs or expectations?

10. Keeping in mind that 96 percent of the time the likelihood that your partner will respond in a positive or negative way depends on the attitude that you have in the beginning moments of a conversation, how would you like to open this discussion with your partner?

So although you don't have to share everything—or anything, as Greg and Amiira proved—you shouldn't be afraid to talk about your past. If your boyfriend can listen to your sad stories and accept you for who you are (and who you were), maybe he's your happily ever after.

Agree - Can he really be that stupid/insensitive/tuned out/selfish/clueless?

Anyways, no sign from the one fella. Not a big deal. Today was not so bad. But I am starting to feel all bloated. I am not sure how I get through the day, but I am sure really really feeling bloated where to the point I didn't eat my sandmach. I did eat most of my muffin. So that's something. Well atleast I know. It's better than not knowing. So I can plan around that and maybe get some rest, shower, do some cleaning, and organize some things. This whole waiting stalking things goes get me very tired. But it could be because of the bloating.

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