Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Daily Planetary Overview
Mercury trine Uranus will bring an excitable attitude and an interest in new ideas. Keep an open mind today, and be willing to listen to the viewpoints of others. You'll have to work hard to stay focused, so you may want to leave difficult or complicated tasks for later.

Your Horoscope - Today, Nov. 11, 2009
When faced with ten entrees on the menu, it may be hard for you to choose just one. Feel free to order two or more, Melly. Don't let indecisiveness hinder or slow you down. At the same time, don't view it as something negative. The key for today is to go with the flow. Expand your dreams as far and wide as you wish. Have fun as long as you are willing to take full responsibility for your actions.

Tarot reading for Melly:

The Star


The Chariot

You’ll be looking for harmony and equilibrium in your relationships today, dear Melly. You’ll be avoiding any kind of argument or quarrel with your family or friends. Under the aegis of Justice and the Star you are communicating with total sincerity, an attitude that adds to the sense of well-being that others experience in your presence. This is a good day for asking your loved one to marry you, if you’ve been toying with this option! In the professional sphere, you’re tempted to show excessive zeal and to act impulsively, so it’s just as well that Justice is exerting a calming influence. Under these auspices you should be able to find your bearings again. Your energies are kept under control by the people close to you, helping you establish a positive equilibrium between your drive and what’s actually feasible.

I want to advoid any kids of quarrels, but it seems to not be happeneing of late. There's something to argue over every moment. It maybe better if I am away more often. It's times like there I to leave here. I find it I no longer miss it. At least right now I do not miss it. So the more reason to keep looking.

It's funny how I was sitting here stressing about the packing, and was waiting for the right time to bring it up. And now I can save myself a trip and for sure no matter other plans, can and have to go through with this one. Regardless. And at the end, it's not even my fault. They can all think what they want. I didn't even manipulate the situation. I just took things as they came. And it seems to be turning in my favor at least for now. See how long it lasts.

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