Friday, November 6, 2009


November 6, 2009

Tarot reading for Melly:



The Devil

Don’t make any decisions when in the grip of powerful emotions today, dear Melly. Under the influence of Justice, you will certainly have the energy it takes to get rid, once and for all, of everything that you’re no longer happy with in your emotional life. In this deleterious climate, invoked by the card of Death, you’ll need to get some fresh air in order to be able to breathe again and to see things more clearly. Above all, be aware that any decision of this type cannot be taken without some careful thinking being done first. Don’t try to skip that step! At work, you'd be well advised to put your ambition on hold and stop treading on other people's toes. The Devil, who represents you, is not inviting tolerance, but if you can't learn to share with others and stop being such a dictator, you may be forced to abandon an important project, as is indicated by the Death card.

As the day drudges on. It's no so bad when you got other things in your mind. It's funny how you hear from the ones you do no expect and nothing from the ones you think you should. Expecting too much. Wanting to control too much. Having a hard time letting go and leaving things be as they are. I need to do something, what I can. But I shall not to be too impulsive. I know I need to act, but I need to act accordingly. There's a time and place for things. When it is right, you will know what to do.

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