Sunday, November 1, 2009


I so need to stay away from online shopping. I need to just get what I need and call it a day. So all I need is just one pair of shoes. Ones that actually fit better and no toes showing. I have such long toes. Else, it looks like I will keep the Madden pair. The name always reminds me of football. I do like the color. I so need to find a pair of tights else it's going to really hurt. But oh the things we put ourself through to get a look.

Today after some years went to get candy. It was nice. It brings back some good memories. Also going to Petco today and seeing the little critters, made me miss the little buggers.

It looks like won't be seeing much after for the three weeks. For at least two. I still have cloths to organize. I need to get myself together so I can feel motivated. But I am starting to feel bad to buying so much. I am working on it. Take care self. On a note, I do feel better about able to help write. I only hope it's good enough.

This one shall finish up tomorrow. This one is more of a touch subject right now. I need to get organized and clear some things out before I tackle this one.

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