Thursday, November 12, 2009


Is there ever anything it's not blue? Saw a quick glimps of the future and it doesn't seem good. But in ways it's not go nor bad. It's just things are. a quick thought of romance raced though my mind for all of 2 minutes if even that. Yet I don't even know what I want myself. I need to take care of myself first and not depend on others to do so. For they will fall through and disappoint. t So next week it will be all me. Somehow the events leading up to it made it so. Else, it swoul1dn't be such a choice or at this point a must do. I know I need to do it soon before break I think. That way if anything doesn't go well, I have time to adjust to the unexpected. I try to leave wiggle room and not back myself into a corner. At the same time I feel I have no choice that I waited so long. Yet, I know I still have some time. Barely, but still time. At worse I pay for it. At least from what I have been told, I have till the end of the semester. Or I can just try to set an appointment there and get it done. Give yourself choices, give yourself room.

I am not sure if I have taken a trip and regret it. I am glad it is not today. I want to be as comfortable as I can. I need to ask if I eat first, but I should prepare and eat anyways in case of being fed monkey poo and I guess what time should be there. The rest either wouldn't be able to answer anyways and can figure out myself.

I am slightly disappointed at the date of it all. But it wouldn't make any difference anyways. Given the choices.

Daily Planetary Overview
This may be a challenging day with the Moon square Pluto and conjunct Saturn. Some of your plans will become derailed because of unforeseen difficulties. Many situations will require patience and tenacity, but you may get overwhelmed and want to give up.

Your Horoscope - Today, Nov. 12, 2009
You may find your brain buzzing like a beehive today, Melly. This is good. There is a great deal of information that you need to process at this time. Have you been thinking about buying some new electronic equipment or small appliances for your home? Now is a great time to do a bit of research on this project before you go out and lay down your credit card. Use this day to gather facts.

Now this is insain with the unforeseen difficulties in plans and the buying of new small appliance and doing some research on it. Truely crazy this is. What are the chances? Can I ignore this?

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