Monday, November 23, 2009


This morning I was really feeling all gun ho to get some things done. And now suddenly nothing. I feel like putting it off. But I really can not. But I did find a fun vid that ever so slightly renighted my love for kdrama. We shall see. You see people like her with ambition and going places over something seeminly so silly and making a living out of it. Can I do the same? It sure helps if you are purdy. Maybe I should work on that first. It seems a little forced. But yet even I start to believe it. Is that what I should do?

I actually found another shoe I wanted. It does seem better. Cheaper as well and the choice of going with a smaller size for now. wonder if I should go with a 7 or not? Or is 7.5 more than enough? Would being too small be too snug? A 7 is really snug. Me and my big feet.

For now lets get some things printed out, then clean out the fishies, and play with shoes.

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