Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Grab your Pen and then Rape you

Overall went well. As usual some down turns, but I wonder if that is what is really bothering me? Or is it because how others say it should be and it's not like that and that is what is bothering me? Else I really can't be bothered with such things. I got bigger fish to fry. I need to call back Fargo and things to send out. Else, it was fun with Lu. Go Chinese drunk karaoke parties. It was really fun minus the third wheel aspect of it. There are some things I want answered to now, but I know I need to be patient and the answer will come when the time is right.

A bright point is that I heard a song in Khols and then at Big Lot again last weekend. I had had a hard time remembering the tune and making out the lyrics. But somehow I guessed my way to the song. It's Amazing all that you can do.

I had a dream that somewhat relates to that saying would you be happy with ur lover and best friend got together? I can't say I would. But if I knew they felt something, I think I would. I would be angry not knowing, I can understand why they would keep it from me. Could be part of their plan or just something that happened. They never intended it, but wanted it, but didn't think it could happen or would. Never meant to harm. Not like they did this to spite you in any way. So can you be angry at such a thing?

Do it now.

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