Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Temptation And Bricks

Makeups. So close to biting a bunch of makeups that I didn't really need last night. Sure was hard to resist such a good price. But I did. Partly thanks to not being able to log into PayPal and find but not using a discount.

If I just let go I be set free. Bricks.

Today was rough because of the bricks. The last week has been rough because of the bricks I collect. I feel like I should work on it after hours but I should just really deal with them and dwell less on them. There are times I think I don't ponder enough and just ask someone when if I took the time to look more closely, I may have been able to figure it out. So I hesatate to act too quickly.

Last week consisted
It is difficult to maintain a light, happy-go-lucky feeling when you've got a large ton of bricks on your back, Mel. Perhaps you have slowly accumulated those bricks over time. Each time you repress something that should be expressed, another brick is loaded on, making it more difficult for you to maintain a carefree attitude. Suddenly you are faced with the truth, and you can no longer move forward with all those bricks on your back. It's time to deal with the pain and shed the unwanted weight.
Another sign: 

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