Thursday, March 30, 2017

We get what we deserve

The Lovers, in defiance of their name, work with the Fool to mark this out as a day of confusion on the emotional front. Far from taking the bull by the horns, Mel, you’d rather run away at the speed of light, than face a discussion or confrontation. It’s not the day to resolve a dilemma or make a constructive decision. But don’t let others make the choices for you – you might live to regret it…  At work, you’re torn between conflicting influences. On the one hand, the World opens doors, fills you with ambition and puts you in a position to rise to challenges. But on the other, the Lovers make you hesitant. They fill you with doubts about yourself, about the future, and about your ability to do what’s required of you. Don’t let them discourage you!

Rough day. Tomorrow seems rough as well. Been running in my head again. I ask you to not be nice to me. To please leave me alone. Please leave me be. It's hard on me. Trying to be a good hamster on the wheel. Just when I think I have kicked the habit you come back around. Then in a flutter I am without again and disappointed. Bitter disappointment. Is it worth it the highs and lows? Haven't felt this way since the first job. But even the first job it wasn't like this. More like college. First discovering Big Bang rain and bts. You wait and wait and nothing. Can only depend on yourself. Invest in yourself. Not sure how but I will figure it out. Will invest in others to invest in myself. Not sure where I am going or where it will lead me. Find what you like to do and spend time on it and get going is at it. I may not know what I am doing. Keep goI got through the motions until it becomes a part of you. Don't worry too much where it will lead you. Even though you may think you know where you are going or where you want to be. There maybe another path not consider less taken yet to be discovered.

This really does seem like the road to hell. Seeking the dark side of the moon. Reminds me of escaflowne. So much joy pain disappointment anticipation bitterness resentment. You won't like what you see. Reality never lives up to expectations. Not sure what to do about it. Just have to fill my heart and mind with other things leaving no room or time. You are not my friend. You are someone to keep at bay. Don't let them in don't let your guard down.

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