Monday, March 6, 2017


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Have mercy on my soul - Over time the shows you once loved are coming to an end like Vampire Diaries. Think I'm feeling a wee bit down today because it seems like many things many things are ending. It has been a week. IT could be the timing of it all and the combination of the distance. Before I wasn't sure how I was going to get over it as it was all consuming. Now I feel as though I have made some peace with it. It will come and go just like the ones in the past. This one maybe a wee bit different due to the interaction, but I must not forget this feeling of emptiness. I must fill the void myself. Try something new, have something else to look forward to. Plan and put aside time for yourself. Not even the songs I once loved seems to ease the pain anymore. The only one that still works Shawn Mendes. The only one at the moment that feels my pain. No more fluttering. Just the pain I put myself through. I need to be set free of this all consuming. Please set me free. Please have mercy on my heart as you are tearing me apart. I can't go through it again. Don't fail me now. I have played out all the nonsence in my head and it's no longer my muse. It just leaves me empty. Nothing wrong to have something to look forward to or a muse, but not when it's all consuming. It's like a drug. Couldn't get anything done, it was holding me back. But no longer you turd. 

Should I be investing in some better sound? This works for now. I'm a troubled soul. As I'm preparing the article for tomorrow, I got the feeling that I have been here before. Again like I read all this before and gone through this before. I don't want to say I have given up, but it just doesn't seem as critical anymore at this point. I feel as though I just want to get it done. Not sure what silky chick want tomorrow, but I better prepare for it after the first meet. May ask what I changed. Just have copies of it all.

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