Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dashed Hopes

Beware of setting your sights too high in matters of the heart today, dear Mel. The pairing of the Fool and the Moon indicates that your hopes are sure to be dashed. You have a tendency to idealize the people you love, but reality will show you that you've invested too much in them or in your relationship. Which is why you're in danger of being disillusioned. Remember, nobody's perfect.  In the professional sphere, you want to do something all on your own, without anyone else interfering or trying to tell you the ropes. You have a pet project that you absolutely believe in, and you want to get it underway. The combination of Death and the Fool signifies that you’ve reached the end of your tether. And therefore it’s difficult for anyone else to work with you. You’ll need to take things easy and calm down somewhat, or take a walk.

The month or so there has been something on my mind. It has been better the past two weeks. For the most part last week was rough. Thursday was when things started to calm down. It was rather frustrating and not being able to get much of anything done. I'm feeling if you are not on the case nothing would really be done. I'm trying not to share too much as I'm just disappointed. They just care about themselves. No one really cares about what you have to say. It's all fun and games and flattery. Is that how I want to be or is it how it has to be? Myself is not what anyone would like nor do even myself like. Who do I want to be if not myself? Who is the self? Am I just trying to be what everyone else thinks I should be? For the above, being disappointed in investing too much time in another. Like I was saying. Things were starting to get ever so slightly better as I focused on the things I needed to work on. And things were as normal as I got use to the flow. I shouldn't take nice as anything besides nice. Try not to get too personal, not asking anything besides what normal people would ask. When I am starting to recover, there is a hint of nice. That's all it is. Please don't be nice to me, please don't tell me anything else. I don't want to know. My goal is to no longer need you. I don't know how yet, but I will find a way.

I'm reminded of the foot in mouth during Lifetime. I let me guard down and got too comfortable and forgot was talking to a guy. Guard always has to be up. Don't let them in, don't let anyone know, they only know what you want them to know, what you tell them, to paint a picture of what you want them to see you as.

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