Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Squashed Bugs

It's easy to forget the things the reasons. Recall the lack of initiative but can't be blame given the circumstances. At least got most of the paper organized and tossed a bunch more out. Now to organize other aspects of the perimeter.

Was worried about not finding a group but given the count, there was bound to be one not full. Lucky me the first one asked was the one since it was 3 and there 24 in the class, the odds are that's the one short. What are the odds given what knew and deducted that the best bet was this area. Will see how this goes. But it occurred today was a total nerd but not avalible. Hairy. Totally type. Well it usually takes some time to grow on ya. Not like a few weeks be enough time for anything to grow. Plan for now is to get through accounting. 

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