Monday, September 18, 2017

Daily Grind

Not feeling like your getting what you put in. When things are not moving at the desired pace. Is this what should be done?  How to stay in the game. Things get tough. Need metrics for the goal. No illusion.

Have not been sleeping well. Not sure if it has been the anxieties or the bed. Don't want to blame the bed now. Not sure there would have been weekend times but maybe not since most places not open on weekend anyways. Glad went in to too else really slim pickings. Hmm maybe look at further locations to see if there are more days. Maybe dehydrated. Try drinking more.

Not sure why drippie and pants so baggy. Trying not to listen to anything beyond myself. Makes me wonder how many house should be put in and then again is it quality over quantity? Tried to use some memory techniques that hopefully will help. Maybe just work on drinking out some problems but first should work on having less and more tightly organized so don't spend time shuffling through stuff or letting anxiety build up and throw off the flow. Go through and organize first. 

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