Monday, September 11, 2017


It was okay and dare even say better for a few weeks. It could be the darn frogs or just the demos so blabbery. And then the wandering. Tempted to dig but really should not. Not like it did any good last time.

For awhile was thinking maybe this was something that can work out but now the donuts creep in and don't feel like really recalling anything. Just tricking myself into thinking or goIng through the motions of it. Can't help but think of the comment that someone read it all on a single plane ride while took 3 days. The last few chaps didn't even really focus on and skimes through it. Really how much should really recall or pass ever? Still. It sure of the answer beyond have to get through it faster. Okay soon reeeadinn the comment it was actually 15 chaps but think the beginning of the book was better than the last 5. Feel like the effort at that point had drifted off and it was more getting to the point more to wrap it up. 

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