Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Dread wed now more than anything. Maybe should have advised it but why all so slow? At this point should be any changes just checking and it's not done by noon? Rather not but been doing this for awhile and should be getting pretty good at this as long  as don't screw up the screens. Gotta be flexible. The phone on the other hand has a screen that glows when it feels like it and don't when it doesn't. Can always run and set up over night. Canada do t even have that many people yet still take as long. It's just annoying. It is what it is if you want to be slow.

Let's not worry about things one has not control over or not want to control and at the meantime work on other things you know that are creeping up on ya to be done. Feel like if I just spent 3 days on studying and the other one day on class material, is that enough time? 

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