Monday, February 28, 2011


How I dread, but need to just get it over with. Maybe I should have just picked up in the first place and now I wouldn't be dealing with this. You figure that the first one wouldn't be anything anyways. And the company seems a little on the shady side. Not really what I envisioned. Things are never really what they seem to be anyways. The pay seems craptacular. Doesn't mean I would be stuck with it. Even with so much cloths on, I still seem cold. I am not sure what I can find or what I am even qualified for. How is it not matter how much cloths I put on, I still feel so cold.. How quickly time passes. 6 months already. Part of me doesn't even want to start working again. Enjoying my dung a little too much I guess. Everyone else is always doing more and better. Earlier, sooner, making more, more fun, just putting in more than I expected. Just because I don't see it doesn't mean there is none. They are all sneaky bastards. They want you to let your guard down. They want you to do nothing. You got to play your odds. Not focus on one thing. It doesn 't matter much anyways as the next bus arrives. Weather the door opens or not for you, weather you have enough for the ride, or weather you choose to get on or not or to get off, no one knows.

Lets not risk it. How little oppertunity I get access. I must not abuse it. Be grateful for the glimps. Not good, not good, a little too late I suppose.

I try to save some money, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Well at least I know it's the operations manager. But I got to say the recept was kind of rude.

At least Kyle responded.

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