Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You Say What???!!!

Good Lord

Lets not shoot myself in te foot today or any day. But you know what I mean. But it's not more like practice, it's more like it's not going to happen. You want to tell me how this is going to happen? I really don't see it happening. So lets not waste our time. Lets do things we enjoy. The Lord has given us things to enjoy in life, not to say it's not good enough. I cleaned out the gunk between my eyes. Last night was not a pleasant conversation. I care, but I think that's as far it goes. The things you wouldn't know if you didn't look. How ignorance is bliss. Only if I didn't know, how much simplier thing would be. I'm still very sweaty for some reason. I think I want to work on cleaning things up for now instead of the lather. I am just tired of looking at all thing. This mot not a very dynamic environment. I would hope that people would be more, but it's more boring I guess.

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