Friday, February 11, 2011


Not sure what's going on. Got a rather disturbing message from someone. Need to make more obvious of jokes. Think part of the reaction was that I didn't appreciate the comments. Or was it more part guilt on my part? Maybe a little bit of both. But I figure it would end up like this anyways. I felt pissed. But when I saw the message, for some reason I was pissed and then I had a flash of emotions that was combative. It was something that was a little all too familiar. I can't recall what occasion or with whom it took place with. I want to say it can't be too many. It could be fatter for all I know, oh no wait. German I think it was. Making accusations. I think it was him. So it makes sense now why it feels so disgusting. Starting to feel he's disgusting as well. Some people just can't take a clue.


At least I got rid of the labtop. What happens to it is out of my hands now. For $31 it better get there. But I really don't care, not like anything I can do at this point. I even picked up cards along the way. Now just got to squeese some money out of simon for some flowers. Else I am not hurting too much because of it.

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