Friday, January 7, 2011

Good Lord *Pinch*

Daily Planetary Overview
Venus, the planet of love and money, transitions into fiery Sagittarius today, expanding your relationship and financial opportunities. You may feel a pull to take more risks during the monthlong period of this transit as you explore new possibilities and open up to any adventures that come your way.

Your Horoscope - Today, Jan. 7, 2011
Things are looking up for you today, and you will find that your emotional status is very good, mel. You have a keen eye for love and beauty, and you will know by the look in someone's eye that they are more interested in getting close to you than you first thought. Feel free to take the lead in romantic situations. Your heart knows which way to lead you.

Taro: Today you may be feeling a bit like a hermit crab emotionally, mel. The Moon and the High Priestess are making you liable to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself rather than share them with the one you love. This is going to make it difficult to have a happy and fulfilling day! Don’t be so suspicious and things will go more smoothly. Today, you’ll be astonishing everyone at work with your creativity – including yourself! In fact, you seem to come up with one good idea every minute, the only problem is (and that’s indicated by the combination of the Star and the Moon): you find it difficult to put theory into practice. You display an obvious lack of realism, and people might pick on that. If you’re an artist or work in a creative environment, however, this is your day!

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