Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I don't mean to rain on your parade, but it's not what you need to focus on right now... Overall I am just not well and it's not just you, it's everyone on my case again today and not well health wise. I am getting to the point of not knowing what to do with myself. At the same time I am hoping this would all pass. Yet what to do in the mean time? Are there other opportunities? Should they be perused? A part of me wants to and not knowing there it may lead. But I got a feeling that it wouldn't lead anywhere, so that maybe part of the reason. Or at least a good chunk of it.


Or more like unwellness. It has been awhile that you figure that we all eventually fall ill at one time or another if it doesn't kill you first. Been chugging the orange juice of late. As much as you may dislike Jay, I still like him. He has this easy going dushbaggery about him.

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