Thursday, January 27, 2011


I don't think it has gotten much better. Still as crappie if not crappier. I did reframe myself from contact. I just need to keep coming up with excuses. Nose is all stuffed up. Missery loves company it sure does. Still need to find time to pluck hairs. Sure got plenty of them for the week. No sense in saving them. Just taking up space. If you really wanted them, you would have come to get them. Else, do what you have to do. I wonder if I can through them at work? There's always an excuse for everything. I just depends if you to listen and to buy it. You have heard some really rediculious excuses, some you choose to ignore. Others not. What you want this time? I just want to work on getting better and being on my way. Just to be doing my own thing. But it's funny how the one that's more attentive I do not care for much, when it's the one that leaves me alone I long for.. Why is it so? Is it the longing for what I can not have? Or is it knowing the one that wants you will be there till it's no longer there. Why does one long for things you can not have?

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