Sunday, December 26, 2010


Daily Planetary Overview
The Sun conjuncts Pluto today, bringing your attention to the hidden side of life. Although you may like to ignore the undercurrents that are going on all around you, today will make it difficult to keep things below the surface. It may be wiser to shine light on whatever darkness you face.

Your Horoscope - Today, Dec. 26, 2010
Don't make any rash judgments or leap to any conclusions today, Melly. Misconception is in the air, and you wouldn't want to risk offending someone simply because you got the wrong impression. This is a day for observing, not acting. This may be difficult for you, leader that you are, but ultimately it will prove beneficial. You will find that you learn a lot about people simply by watching them.

Constant change and instability. Attachment and instability. I learned something today somewhat unexpected. I knew something was up, but now I have a glimps. Not sure of the whole story, but I don't like it. Not sure what to do about it. Not sure if to confront or not. I will give it some time...

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