Saturday, January 29, 2011

The End

It is really right around the corner. May not seem like such a good thing right now, but hopefully something good will come of it. No one really lasts in their first job let alone their first relation. Knew the day would come. Now only looking back if there was anything I could have done to held on it longer.. Todays taro was even about changes.. At work, today will be a day for changes. Judgement and the Magician are conspiring to get a fresh wind blowing in your everyday routine. What will it be? A new client, an unexpected trip? Something will definitely be happening. And whatever it is, you will be invigorated and excited by it! What do they say? A change is as good as a holiday. Though is has a positive spin on it, we shall see. Hopefully it won't be too disheartening. Lately I feel I have been abandoned. Not sure, leaves me with a longing feeling. Guess this would give me more time to farm. More time for me, myself and I. I don't think I am angry. Maybe just don't want to know right now. But it's something I am going to have to face. I think I should be angry, but am too distracted to be angry or upset right now. Maybe a good thing for the moment. But for how long?

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