Thursday, April 29, 2010


For some reason I was looking back last night. I am not sure why. Maybe because I miss something or because something new was going to happen. I can sure type. Anyways, the past weekend was nice I guess. The less you know, the better for you to deal with. Like I had a thought last night at work, like if there was someone outside waiting, I would be on the edge. But if there was someone and I didn't know, I would feel nothing until I knew someone was there and then feel a bit guilty for not knowing. But I feel it for less time this way. And I can make an excuse that it can't be helped that I didn't know. You can't admit to something you didn't know about.

I am not sure if it is glee, but in an odd way I feel better about it. Knowing that someone longs for one. But it's an interesting feeling to know you left an impression on someone. Someone that is unforgettable. More like a stroke to the ego. Not sure why but I have been looking back of late. The longing to touch base with somethings.. And it may happen soon. I think only after Monday will determine how things will go. So much is riding on Monday. I hope things go well. Knowing that I am better off in this end makes a part of me feel better. But I will keep things on my part, what you are call it, impersonal? Not sure if that is the word I am looking for.

The spots on my face sure don't help. And I though it would help. But it's touch and go. Not sure if it has gotten worse or just moved to another location it seems like and keeps appearing there now. So what to do? As I always feel as long as it doesn't hurt, I don't mind it so much. I am trying to plan the outfit for Next Saturday. I already have it figured out in my mind, but we shall see when the time comes. I should have also made an appointment sooner. But I guess things took so long that I left it on the side for too long and forgot about it.

The spots sure do hurt. But does knowing hurt more? Am I going to do anything anyways? It's more like to use it to make decisions in the future. What kind? I am not sure yet. I really do want it to get better. I will do some tossing. I really think, I can let some things go... I have to...

Things have not been going too poorly. Things overall have been well. Just once in awhile, thoughts get in my head and make things worse. Else, there are things I worry about, but nothing that as come to light if I didn't go dig for it. I really am looking for dung to play with. and when I get out to dry off, I end up crawling back in because I miss it I guess. But tomorrow should be a good day to go out drop off stuff at goodwill. I been meaning to do that. It has been too long really. But more reason to dig out stuff for them tonight.

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