Thursday, April 1, 2010

Funny eh?

Be honest and understanding. No one will understand your obscure metaphors and jokes unless they have some practical use. Water your plants and mow your front lawn. The closer you can be to the Earth today, the better.

I did work on them plants today.

I really have been. Tomorrow I need to make sure I am being heard.. Maybe it's a sign then. But we shall see. Do I need to make a trip tomorrow? As I am not looking forward to it. But then again, why even need to go. I need to care about the things I should and not both with the other things.

I am bothered by the credit statement, I am bothered by the fake bill, I am bothered by the trip and price, I am bothered by the weekend, I am bothered by.

I need to take my own advice and hope that things and the obvious answer will appear before me and work itself out. It may no be clear now what I should do. So I need to wait patiently.

So I guess that answered the mall question.

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