Sunday, April 11, 2010


Scope: You will have a day of profound reflection, Melly. While you may be tempted to look back and think about how far you have come in the last months, your time would be better spent thinking about what the future has in store for you. You have entered a period of rethinking both your identity and your objectives. These are not small changes. You will need every ounce of energy at your disposal to make it through this time of transition.

I have been doing some thinking today. I am not sure. I am tired today. I think I have been staying up rather on the later side. But I think since the bugginess of the whole farming thing, I have noticed less people are around. That translate to less freebies for little old me. So I am not sure where everyone have gone too.

~Looking Back~
I went to look up people on FB and found one and then a bunch more I have thought about of late. I am hesitant to add. But I guess no one was looking for me. I still feel it is not time yet. Hopefully soon. But as more time passes, I am feeling rather more anxious. ~Planning~ I am trying to get some things done today. I am not sure who much I can get done. So I will try to things set in my head. Hopefully not so tired. I remember how I can use to run on 5 hour energy and adrenal. Guess I am getting old.

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