Saturday, October 17, 2009


And I am not talking about the flowie one, I'm talking about the stuff in general you wear. Somehow talking, usually end up a topic pops up that reminds me of something that has been a hinderance. But it's about opportunity isn't it? Hasn't it always been? You really can't force something especially if the timing isn't right. oi.

I could feel myself get upset over some silly bread. But I do like it crunchy. Not runied. I actually don't like it all that soft anyways. But besides that. I could feel myself being temped in the begining, but I have more than enough to deal with now. I didn't even want to know. Scary eh? Enough to deal with, so lets just keep it as simple as possible. Or at least try to.

Daily Planetary Overview
A New Moon in Libra today, and until next month, will help you develop interpersonal skills. You'll find that dealing with people will become easier and you will be diplomatic and cooperative under this influence. You'll increase your emotional intelligence and communicate better with others.

Your Horoscope - Today, Oct. 17, 2009
''Go with the flow'' is your anthem for today, Melly. You will find the freedom you seek by simply following the path of least resistance. There is no reason for you to not be happy. Life doesn't need to be difficult or complicated. The thing to remember is that you should be 100% yourself. People will act the way they need to react in relation to you. Don't worry about their feelings - they are not your responsibility.

Woot and the scrolly thing is gone. I sure it comes true for me how I will develope interpersonal skills, hopefully it's a sign it will be getting better soon the ability to communicate with others better. Else today I am trying to take the path of least resistance and try not to trouble myself with others issues. Although I was slightly agitated with indecisiveness and how things were not really going the way I thought I wanted it to go. So just let it go.

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