Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Makes you wonder what is going on. Seems something so minor and yet from
what I read, it doesn't seem right. This one is not a big deal, but it makes you wonder, what else is there? I don't even want to bother with it. Just knowing is enough. I feel as though is holding something back. Perhaps keeping expectations low of sort. Expecting the worse. But is that not being honest? Not like I am some sort of shinning example. You got your own things to deal with.

~Changing Times~
I guess I haven't really written about this, but it has been something that has crossed my mind. But it could be better off as thoughts and not something to be jotted down. If I did, it sure be a long one. But for now, a small part of a whole. Things change as time passes. Who knew I would even reconsider getting into education after so much time as passed and I have taken so many turns all to look back at the original.

Relations also change. For better or for worse, doesn't have to be. Just different. The situation is always changing. Things can not always be the same. Sure do miss those days. But things are different now. It makes be sad a bit, how I miss it. But it's not all for the wores, but things seem more difficult now days. Seeing the kids and how they don't worry so much about their own issues when you actually think about it, it's actually fairly grim.

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