Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Rice Cake

It's kind of funny to see a guy eating a rice cake for some reason. I still gotta get a tassel, but it's not a big deal for now.

But I don't really feel like saying much now because I am kind of hungie, so I should find something to eat. But what to eat. So it kind of sucks that I get up and turns out class was canceled, but no matter. It's a good thing, I mean if I knew it was canceled, then there's a good chance I would have just stayed in bed. But at least I am up. But oh so hungie. Always having troubles figuring out what to eat. I know I am still stingie. But I really do need to eat something. But it's one of thoes things where I want to eat, but not enough to know what to eat.

And so one again I am tourmented with this decesion. Do I need to whip out the decesion talk again hmm?? It's whatever decesion you end up making, you will be able to make use of it. But you just need to pick something. How often have you struggled with this and made a choice that was too early and regreted it? Like me deciding not to go to condom olyimpics I do regret. None of the community things I decided to do to I have regreted. The things I thought I would or waste time has not. Should I not have learned something from that? Or maybe I am just laxzy. It's only the times where you waited too long to make a choice that you cause yourself difficulty. So it's where to go from here?

Then lets go look for something to eat. Eventually you'll eat it all anyways. So what difference does it make if it's sooner or later. It all will be done. But I figure there could be a chance I be eating one too many times. So to reduce the bloated feeling, I shall wait.

So did waiting seem like a waste of time? I sit here listening to them talking about accounting and start to think does everyone work that much except for me? Because I look at people and they seem so carefree and yet what you don't see is all the work that has gone behind it all.

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