Monday, April 13, 2009


How I missed it by one day. And so do I wait? Or do I just go for it? It's funny how I missed it by one silly day. I can so close to buying it and yet I didn't think at the time to look for a coupon either. But I had a change of heart for a second. But i still wanted to do something nice. Shipping seems to be the same no matter how much I add so I might as well just add it both and get it both over with. I still haven't really gotten anything. I should really. But it really wasn't meant to be maybe. I shall wait I guess. See if more discount appears. But I fear if I wait to long for something so seasonal it will be gone. But good God it could have been like a $6 savings...

Yesterday wasn't bad, but for some reason I felt distance. I am not really sure why. It could be part insecurties. But I really can't care. I need to play my role in all this and not let my emotions control me or be overcome by emotions. Realize they are there. But always keep your composure and keep them wanting more. To play and be the player and not be played. Don't go picking out the short end of the stick. Do what you think others want, what you think you would want. Something nice. Being cold and distance only creats more chills and puts in more distance. Be warm, kind, understanding, and loving. Even if they screw up, make them feel bad for it and be consumed with guilt. Approach with discression.

And so I spend, am I really willing to spend...

  • See just edited the resume and that wasn't so bad. I like it a wee but more now. So now to tinker with the other letters and mail them all out. And I should just wait till tomorrow and take care of the girf thing. But I really don't want to wait. Even if I did it yesterday, I dout I would have used a coupon. But I was still deciding if it was worth it. But either way, worth it or not, I still want to do something nice.

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