Thursday, April 9, 2009


Just so painful that I don't even want to eat...

Daily Planetary Overview
Mercury will enter Taurus today and stay for about three weeks. Under this transit, you will be stubborn and slow to comprehend. The good news is that you will be careful and methodical and appreciate beautiful music.

Your Horoscope - Today, April 9, 2009
It may seem as if someone has dumped a huge bucket of water over your head today, melly. Your fire is extinguished. Keep in mind that this is only temporary, and that your internal flame will be rekindled soon.

And yet I don't know what to eat, but when the time comes I know what I need to do. And then by crap arse luck. I knew my chances and yet I had hoped for either or. But now it's far worse. It didn't help that I run into arse and then I had things I wanted to do and then a side track and I end up doing nothing. Doing anything is better than doing freaking nothing. I had enough of doing nothing. I just want to do something. Already had so many frustration and U don't need something to get in the way at least something that I can somewhat control. I don't want to wait anymore. I really don't want to. Doing something that doesn't help is better than doing nothing. And then again no one makes me. I make the choice to. And so like mom saids and everyone else, don't be pushed around. You got things you want to do and not at my expense. If I fail it will be by own accord no on anyone elses. You will not nor anyone get in my way.

I am sorry self. My dear self. What I put you through. I am really sorry for not taking care of you. I should be looking out for you first and not let you suffer. Not cause you pain, not do anything that is not in your best interest.

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